Monday, June 16, 2008

It's time to get...Dude-tastic.

I ignore this thing way too often.

But what better event to revive your favorite random traveling music blog than for...


I know what you're thinking. You're making that look that I see every time I tell people where I'm going. Here's a little FAQ:

Q: What the hell is Dudefest?
A: It's a 3-day music festival taking place at the Emerson Theater in Indianapolis, IN, from June 20-22.

Q: Who's playing?
A: If the bands listed in that link I provided above don't ring any bells, I'll just say it's a collection of some of the best underground metal, hardcore, and grindcore bands from around the country.

Q: Are girls allowed at Dudefest? (Yes, people have actually asked me this.)
A: No.

Just kidding.

My journey to the pearl of the Midwest starts this Wednesday at 4PM, where I hop a train at Penn Station and enjoy a lovely 17 hour train Chicago. From there's it's a pleasant 6 hour layover until my 4 hour bus ride to Indianapolis, where my lovely accommodations await. Huzzah.

There will be videos, there will be pictures, and there will be dudes. Stay tuned.

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